20200903_1912 - Speak slower == * Note created: [time=Thursday, 03 September 2020 19:12:12 +0700] * ###### tags `sTREaming` ---- I want to practice speaking slower and using more deliberate pauses. Let's unpack this... I tend to speak fast / don't pause as often as I should because: 1. I want to be able to maximise and convey everything I want to say. Make the most out of this opportunity to share my thoughts. I feel I have limited chance to speak my mind. Gotta make it count while I have the attention. I crammed. This can be mitigated by just asking for more opportunities to share. 2. I want to appear sharp and know what I'm talking about. 3. I'm afraid of taking too much time or space / rambling / losing the flow / engagement. 4. I don't want to get interrupted / challenged before I'm done. So: 1. Know what I want to say. Max 2 things 2. State the conclusion / ask / call to action / proposal upfront. Tell them what you will tell them. 3. I will appear as intelligent and competent, if not more, if I speak with poise. 4. I can always claim the time and space if they are taken away unjustifiably. 5. If the argument is strong and presented coherently and articulately, people *will* stay engaged. 6. Prepare a couple of phrases to handle potential interruptions, challenges. Wear the bulletproof vest and have contingency plan when your non vital areas are attacked. Prepare and practice. That's the "secret". ---- What about off the cuff? You don't need to know everything but you need to let them know that you will find out. Pause before you speak, pick one thing, just one, that you want to say. And set your expectation right: it takes some practicing to do this well. OK I think I'm onto something here. Attention is precious, the opportunity of being listened to is scarce. When writing, I also admire people who can make a point clearly, vividly, and coherently. simple, to the point, using the precise words; not more not less. Every word counts. But apparently there is no shortcut to a good piece of writing. Even JBP reads a lot, forgets a lot, and rewrites a lot.