20200526_1342 - rant on transfer of information between heads == * Note created: [time=Tuesday, 26 May 2020 13:42:16 +0700] * ###### tags `sTREaming` --- twitter, but pull not push. you'll need to visit the page. like a blog. kalo twitter kan random feed, noisy, you don't come into it intentionally, no specific goal, Q, or JTBD. you're window shopping, info snacking, insights porn. consuming for leisure or distraction, not giving it the attention it needs. // telegram dong? (have a chrome extension that shows you what's currently in my brain. ha, this is an interesting idea. and you can embed other stuff, create your own page. hmmmmm. kayak RSS reader dong? haha) idk, it feels a bit like I want to shitpost but too timid and afraid of littering everyone else's feed (and get unfollowed // but then experience has PROVEN / data has shown that the more I tweet the more followers I get. cuma takut bikin "bingung" some group of followers I gained during some "phase". like the covid one, the kartini teknologi n kode nol one, and this current #knowtech one // the curse of being good and interested in many things // damn my thought is branching all over the place and I'm confined to the speed that I can type, and the linearity of text format. bottlenecked // and this also makes it harder for people to wrap their heads around / absorb / follow what I'm saying, draw out the point // thus the mindmap / alternate and multi-leveled representation of information. // we're encoding and decoding all the time. the question now is: how can we enable lossless transfer of information between heads? // do people care about this? is it just me who's semi annoyed how much friction there is in the process? perhaps other people are happy with this state of communication? reading and consuming in a linear fashion is fine, why rush to get it all in and get it all out ASAP? why do I need or care whether or not anyone would find this easily readable and absorbable? am I overthinking this? is it really easier to "read" mindmaps than text (also called concept maps in a couple of whitepapers I read today)? what are mindmaps good for? // because I want to ensure I am being heard and understood.). oh. perhaps more like I want people to actually want to listen, and not just be part of this digital chatter that people go into mindlessly. // create syntax / markup language? e.g. '//' and '()' means branching off or indenting or linked or sub of. or just write in transno and get it changed into mindmap? a tool to transform ^ into a map, for easier absorption (really?), and then serialise it back into a coherent and articulate (easily readable) if needed // well if we can get to a format that allows lossless speedy transfer of knowledge between minds (and possibly consciousness and physical "info" / DNA / knowledge, there is no need for writing a linear chunk of text, right? // the data structure of human communication. this defines writers block. you can just write something stream of consciousness. that's easy. what's difficult is to make it coherent, readable, engaging, and informing. to cut and chisel the bulk // the two modes and function of writing: to think and to transfer knowledge. no. actually.. to trigger change. we write to trigger change. to make people know, feel, or do something different. // now we're getting into analogy of JSON, CSV, XML.... such a thing for // a new meta language / standards for knowledge transfer. text, audio, video, and other senses? ---- writers' block, and learner's block. sense making and making sense collective hivemind how can we enable efficient and effective transfer of information between heads? as lossless and speedy as possible getting things in, out, and across ---- related https://twitter.com/rroudt/status/1264847539154665473