20200602_0915 - "everyone is a little racist" and 2020 so far == * Note created: [time=Tuesday, 02 June 2020 09:15:00 +0700] * ###### tags `sTREaming` ---- admit it. [everyone is a little racist](https://www.google.com/search?q=everyone+is+a+little+racist). it's in our DNA. the way we're wired some anecdotal examples: - racism in portugal https://twitter.com/NikkitaFTW/status/1267435970594570240 - papua https://twitter.com/louisvuicunt/status/1266732548127780864 - the scar from 1998 riot against chinese descent in Indonesia - china flu, anti refugee, blame game on minorities. all of these are undeniable in everyday life this then creates the many systemic failures embedded in society and culture `// algorithm acts the way it's trained. wrong incentives enable bad decisions and actions` this #BLM movement and momentum are **important** to hopefully push us closer to the tipping point but this is sad - white provocateurs handing out bricks for protesters to throw https://twitter.com/JaValle/status/1267250753422241792 - peaceful protests getting tear gassed https://twitter.com/morganhousel/status/1267620534017122304 - influencers doing their thing https://twitter.com/influencersitw/status/1267602725266743298 - and this is crazy https://twitter.com/costareports/status/1267480306371760135 - and getting scary https://twitter.com/FOX13News/status/1267539936401592320 anyway, a bit happy to see these: - https://twitter.com/GoodBaconYT/status/1267107495945928706 - https://twitter.com/tomakeupwityou/status/1266920327386456064 call me pessimistic, but I don't think thing will change too much https://twitter.com/carzubi9/status/1266847371725541380 ---- ok I take my words back. it's not that sad. this is like covid crazy times but seeing the best of people and the worst of people what a time to be alive to observe people. this also feels less intense than covid, because my circle of control is more clearly defined / set here. yes I will eventually be impacted by the ripple effect of america going down (`eels like it's a fall of an empire / era, where china is going up?`) but it doesn't feel like an impending tsunami I can help prevent / impact like covid ---- but still.... mass rallies and passionate chanting are just what we need in the times of covid eh? - https://twitter.com/PaigePfleger/status/1267614109647941632 - https://twitter.com/CHawleyFOX13/status/1267585048536141825 - https://twitter.com/CHawleyFOX13/status/1267583100160180230 - https://twitter.com/joshcascio/status/1267559895093710850 - https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1267635369975189512 - https://twitter.com/phillej_/status/1267577530711773187 - https://twitter.com/MaketheRoadNY/status/1267629691785093120 - https://twitter.com/Istanbultelaviv/status/1267605552672190470 - https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1267575814373113857 - https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1267568694768656386 - https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1267486226195636225 - https://twitter.com/chloehanan/status/1267460515225272322 - https://twitter.com/rangihirini/status/1267398783391784967 we forget and adapt so fast. too fast. worried with all the marching and vigorous chanting, many more people will have trouble breathing in > 14 days ------ interesting metaphor: cognitive DDoS / DDoS to the brain - https://twitter.com/RichDecibels/status/1267517057333112836 - https://twitter.com/Rahul_Ramc/status/1267192263341486080 and another one "amygdala hijacking" - @hiredthought ------- kinda sick and skeptical (cynical?) of the gestures from brands, public figures, institutions issuing statements, posts on social media. some feel lip-service-y and insignificant. talk is cheap. ok the negativity got to me. taking a break now.