20200816_1608 - job vacancies pages, org design, choosing a career == * Note created: [time=Sunday, 16 August 2020 16:08:51 +0700] * ###### tags `sTREaming` [TOC] ---- ok this is diverging into disarray of points. need to converge. what are the points so far? - dfdd ---- browsing job vacancies pages is a highly underrated way to learn about 1) that business, 2) businesses in general, and 3) the world if you got a couple of hours to kill, going thru job vacancies and observing how large companies structure their org is a great bottom-up generative activity imagine in high schools there's a deep dive session where professionals come in and do a walkthrough about how the company structure their teams. or is that too capitalistic? e.g. look at these tech companies: - https://www.atlassian.com/company/careers/all-jobs - https://www.outsystems.com/careers/job-list/ - https://f5.recsolu.com/job_boards/USARc2y-c5XCyiKQlSxsbQ - https://www.airwallex.com/careers#roles - https://www.xendit.co/en/careers/ - https://github.com/about/careers one way to see the world out there, assess what you have / are interested in, and how to bridge the gap. a model of the real world. business, what makes the world tick not necessarily to apply for the jobs, but to see the forest and the "game". to see the mess out there and realise there's virtually infinite space for you to be useful and fit in and contribute / make impact. everything is malleable B2B x B2C, products x services, academics x industry, public x private sectors, producers/manufacturers x distributors/partners, hands x brains. how knowledge is being applied in real world. how each level are mapped to different needs of consumers / users from an individual and orgs in different sizes. and at the end of the day, to see that all the labels are contextual. many are dependent on the company and orgs. taxonomies. a thing can be a thing once someone make it a thing. people can call something anything they want. and they mostly don't mean a thing. it's very rare that these are well defined and well followed. if you're in IT and have worked in a small company, you know how vague your job desc is. which means no clear path to success. or what's known as "not set up for success" presales postsales, sol arch, sol eng, tech lead, team lead, director, account execs, sales reps, BDs, advocates, happiness officer, wellbeing, support, customer success, counsel, associate, partner, enterprise, enablement, coordinator, principal, facilitator, learning, strategy, SRE, talent acquisition. job titles and org design what are the major competencies and what are the major dept/divisions? sales, marketing, growth, HR, customer support, director, leadership taxonomy of businesses. what's evergreen and what's recent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business - Accounting - Finance - Manufacturing - Marketing - Research and development - Safety - Sales > The efficient and effective operation of a business, and study of this subject, is called management. The major branches of management are financial management, marketing management, human resource management, strategic management, production management, operations management, service management, and information technology management. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management > According to Fayol, management operates through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding, and controlling. > - Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future and generating plans for action (deciding in advance). > - Organizing (or staffing): Making sure the human and nonhuman resources are put into place.[27] > - Commanding (or leading): Determining what must be done in a situation and getting people to do it. > - Coordinating: Creating a structure through which an organization's goals can be accomplished. > - Controlling: Checking progress against plans. // who actually studies these before setting up their org structure? lol. how many % of structure comes from practical needs, bottom up, task-oriented, then get slapped a job title? // is this what they study in biz schools? MBA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_structure > This organizational type assigns each worker two bosses in two different hierarchies. One hierarchy is "functional" and assures that each type of expert in the organization is well-trained, and measured by a boss who is super-expert in the same field. The other direction is "executive" and tries to get projects completed using the experts. Projects might be organized by products, regions, customer types, or some other schemes. > > As an example, a company might have an individual with overall responsibility for products X and Y, and another individual with overall responsibility for engineering, quality control, etc. Therefore, subordinates responsible for quality control of project X will have two reporting lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_structure#Matrix_structure > The flat structure is common in small companies (entrepreneurial start-ups, university spin offs). As companies grow they tend to become more complex and hierarchical, which lead to an expanded structure, with more levels and departments. > > However, in rare cases, such as the examples of Valve, GitHub, Inc. and 37signals, the organization remains very flat as it grows, eschewing middle managers.[14] (However, GitHub subsequently introduced middle managers.) All of the aforementioned organizations operate in the field of technology, which may be significant, as software developers are highly skilled professionals, much like lawyers. Senior lawyers also enjoy a relatively high degree of autonomy within a typical law firm, which is typically structured as a partnership rather than a hierarchical bureaucracy. Some other types of professional organizations are also commonly structured as partnerships, such as accountancy companies and GP surgeries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_organization -- organising, strategising, vision, tactics, those are so interesting to me. how things came to be, and how they evolve. a daunting great wall is built one boring brick at a time. many are BS jobs, they overlap, are messy. cross functional, interdisciplinary. IPA IPS. hard science x soft science? the underlying guiding principle to thrive in any situation is empathy most biz have problems with: - growth (lead gen, getting eye balls. is this marketing tho?) - HR (hiring, retaining, and training people) - sales and marketing (converting, positioning, value prop?) - costs (efficiency, effectiveness) what biz want: - increase revenue - reduce cost - expand market share org structures are responses to these problems and goals hierarchy is how we get organised. // on holacracy: https://medium.com/swlh/death-of-the-machine-how-millennials-have-re-written-the-rulebook-on-organisation-design-f60e8c01a2a1 but also https://www.jeremiahlee.com/posts/failed-squad-goals/ another benefit: get a peek at the company's strategy. what they're hiring for. good biz owners and founders with visions do this all the time // probably still wise to allocate more time focusing on the customers -- ideal role. a mix of researcher, writer, strategist, process design and optimisation, marketing interested in: strategy, product, go-to-market / sales strategy, monetization, strategic finance inspired by ["Senior Quantitative Researcher - Brand Strategy"](https://www.atlassian.com/company/careers/detail/a0d163c0-487b-4a38-996f-0f4644d8e0e9) #til there's such a role? "Research / Insights / Brand Strategy" nyontek dari https://www.atlassian.com/company/careers/detail/de32a68c-01d0-47bf-a9d7-47429cbae1fb rock at - Able to move between varying levels of abstraction from business strategy to detailed implementation - Exceptional analytical, conceptual, and problem-solving abilities - Strong written, oral, presentation and interpersonal communication skills - Stakeholder management skills, your communication skills are what makes you stand out in a crowd okay at - Strong understanding of various data intensive architectural patterns, stream and batch processing, and varieties of data types - Knowledge and hands-on experience of data modeling, mapping, integration and profiling tools - Good knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws - Passionate about technology, customers, and operations. You are curious to learn the details and quick to develop actionable business insights. - Excel at creating trusted partnerships with senior leaders. You are known for your proactive communication, considered decision making, and clean escalations. want to work on / try / learn - Excellent prioritization and self organizing skills to individually detect and deliver the most important things first - You have solid experience and capability in survey design: you're able to take a brief / liaise with cross-functional partners and then design a highly usable survey that accomplishes the required outcome. - working with research and brand teams to produce and maintain a world-class brand research program - Believe that effectively managing change is at the heart of adoption. You have deep experience in global organizational change practices. - Excel at creating trusted partnerships with senior leaders. You are known for your proactive communication, considered decision making, and clean escalations. -- somewhat related to that "business is messy" post. what's that called? I published it on Medium oh this one https://medium.com/@theresiatanzil/hidden-work-62e0811e14f6 -- menarik. intinya software house dan implementor / sys integrator ini ya tangan utk produk2 "jadi" macam outsystems. baru mulai paham what these system integrators do. lol. selama ini gak paham / gak pernah mikirin apa sih yg dikerjain perusahaan2 ini. quite a blackbox. dunia IT B2B yg level korporat as in, the ecosystem. similar to manufacturers x distributors - outsystems x PPU - cisco x mastersystems - UIPath x the many - microsoft's products and services this is too obvious in hindsight, I was just never exposed to this world and never spent time thinking about them gw mainnya banyak di B2C sih. atau B2B juga terbatas, taunya web n digital agency yg bikin website dan campaigns.... and small visionless web apps e.g. shopinc. jasa palugada. atau startup unyu2 yg solving masalah yg fana / diada2. atau yg jelas udah ada produknya, kayak bino. jadi fokus. beda dunia tp kerja di perusahaan2 B2B gini kecil bgt sih ya berasa lingkupnya. developer, analyst, presales. nggak sexy, nggak berasa punya visible impact dibanding kalo kerja di consumer's brands atau startup unyu2 SaaS. what's trendy tp ya B2B and enterprise sales is where the money is (for the company. market share and revenue etc. compare FB and other B2C market cap, vs unicorns burning money and VC valuations, and the ones selling physical products / retails / brand of nike vs apple vs the foxconns and vietnamese labor). interesting dynamic for the business' standpoint and the employees' future of work asdf -- and this is only for IT. what about other verticals? health, etc. check out the wiki for business. org design, change mgmt -- same with consulting. kayaknya kalo gw dulu paham BCG MCK dan Bain itu ngapain aja, gw bakal go that route deh.... meski pasti nggak siap karena belajar dimana sih skill2 yg begitu itu? gw sih pick it up along the way through experiences, real life problem solving and following my own curiosity in learning. so at this point I feel I've developed the right skillset to go into mgmt consulting but I wouldn't have if I went straight into it / seeking for it. schrodinger career? -- picking career / looking for work could be flipped on its head / could be smarter done this way: - what do you want to learn / get good at? then during college you'd get the map of competency / skillset requirements for each. - instead of requirements, see it as opportunity to get better at those skills. but the paradox is, how do you get qualified in the first place? - find / identify list of companies / people you'd like to work for / with. and look at the openings. don't browse for the job titles as they are quite random - think about what problems you're interested in / want to help solve. find the companies / orgs that are working on it, and apply there / stalk them. -- but back in 2007 I would have NO clue who those people are, no idol and stuff. I have no clue how real world works, what it looks like. what companies are out there. the conventional life script is go to college, go to job boards, filter for those you think you're qualified for / interested in (job-title oriented), apply to a couple, try and convince them to hire you. pick one of the selection the world exposes to you. mimic others, the obvious choices. same with starting a business. we almost never start with who (who you'd like to work with, who you'd like to be // the person who need to develop x y z skill). we almost always start with what we like, what we can do, and go hunting either who would like to hire us for those vocational skills or we just take up generic jobs because there is an opportunity (no privilege to pick) -- so. youths are making a decision with mostly limited understanding of the world. for those who don't know what they want to do for the rest of your life -- and what incentives drive these headcounts? they overlap and seem BS / froth with layoffs potential http://thecontextofthings.com/2015/11/27/job-role-definition-and-the-bottom-line/ So many problems at work come from communication, and so many problems with communication come from unclear roles or overlaid responsibilities. -- like, what is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_tank perhaps there are youths who would be able to contribute to these? probably I wasn't paying attention in class but I feel I am clueless about the world and businesses up till college. they don't prepare me to make any well-informed choice about it. sure to survive we need to adapt and stuff, but I feel there's an unnecessary disconnect between education and vocation. why can't we introduce / teach more youths about "real world" before they jump in and figure things out, hands-on? I guess schools do teach you about business, the leaves, but unclear what's the branches and trunks? then the forest. hmm. history, society. so am I just coming into the commonly held conclusion that education is doing a shit job at preparing human to thrive in society? -- do you think you understood what you're getting into, when choosing 1) what to major in and 2) job hunting? do you consider you made the right choice now? basically: the world is yuuge. and messy. no right or wrong path. can't go wrong